The period of 2020-2022, popularly known as the covid era, made it merely possible for humankind to keep up their lives and for that matter, having a side hustle became necessary to ensure you are having money for survival reasons. But during this entire scenario, one thing everyone was worried about was the credibility of the business and the company. There were only a few business models and organizations which were entrusted by people. Amazon side hustle was one of them. It not only allowed people to get back to living in the tough times, but lots of people continued from a part-time side hustle to full-time work with Amazon. 

Amazon as a job platform has been the most rewarding one, especially with respect to those who have taken Amazon as a side hustle. 

During the covid pandemic, survival became a major task for people and they were looking for any assured source of income till the time they could actually go out and start working again. Amazon has been one of the finest business models when it comes to part time or full time jobs. 

The best features of Amazon Side Hustle are :

  1. Market Presence: Understanding the wide reach of the business and coming to know the actual worth. 

  2. Particularity: Building and knowing your niche product as Amazon has so many categories and diverse products to deal with. 

  3. Flexible Work: Do it as you wish to do it. There are no fixed hours or time of the day when you are mandated to work. 

  4. Early Discounts: Working with Amazon also gets you good discounts and sample products for your own trial.

  5. Network: Amazon has a wide network which helps to increase the business by multiple folds. 

The above-mentioned benefits are also profile driven. You may or may not have them in all the side hustles with Amazon, but you will have them in most of them undoubtedly. Just to throw some light on the best side hustles of Amazon, here are a few most chosen side hustles by people in Amazon. 

  • Product Review: One of the easiest and interesting side hustle with Amazon is that it allows you to review their products online and for the same you also get early sales discounts and lots of free samples to try out. Products can be from firms or directly from Amazon. And these can be of any category. 

  • Freelancing: This is taken up by people who are already engaged with some work or offline business. They use Amazon to have an increased side income. This may not be the only side hustle they have. And this can be done as per their choice and time. 

  • Hobby: This is a very happy and interesting side hustle with Amazon. Here you don't exactly own a business but this is basically to keep your hobby up and do selling as a part of your interest and talent. These can be decorations or food items but solely done in order to have a taste of passion for one's hobby. 

Starting Amazon Side Hustle! 
To begin with, Amazon should be chosen very carefully. One must start with keeping the below things in mind:

  • Opt for FBA or FBM: This is a very important aspect before moving ahead with your side hustle. Understanding how both of them work and how they are suitable for you is really important. Just in a brief, FBA handles pre sales and post sales operations for you without any concerns but at the same time, if due to any concerns, your sales or products are stuck, handling the warehouse and moving out the inventory is equally challenging. On the other hand, FBM is really beneficial for small scale businesses wherein you can keep and deliver goods from your end. At the same time, handling the regular operations related to them can be very tricky. So, this has to be a smart call. 

  • Efficiency on Product Research: This is very significant since it is going to decide what amount of business you are going to do and how big the market segment is. Today, there are multiple websites and AI tools to figure out trend products but having a complete hold on the product behavior becomes really important and it allows you to grow and generate revenue in multiple folds. 

  • 6-8 Hours of Your Week: Just by choosing Amazon for your side hustle won't do magic to your product sale or earning money. On an average, plan to spend a minimum 6 hours on the website and on the product to ensure that enough amount of time and consideration is being given on a daily basis. 

All and all, one thing that has to be kept in mind very clearly, is that side hustles won't generate revenue until and unless your efforts on product review and market research is done. Amazon can get you wide network connectivity, but it won't get you the product worth on its own. If driven properly, this side hustle can change things for you and your family in a gradual manner but what is more important is to understand the market efficiency, product behavior and the market trend. Amazon will definitely get you a bulk of potential customers and a wider market to sell your business to.

Amazon has been into side hustle since very long and has earned the market trust over years now. The covid pandemic made it visible to people and eventually people shifted from their monotonous routine to an exciting profile where they could not only do what they love but also be connected to one of the leading e-commerce companies of the world. Amazon side hustle brought independent mothers, home makers and opportunity seeking individuals to a platform where they could drive their energy and time and in return, grow revenue and build a profitable and sustainable business out of it. Again the same thing, things won't happen overnight. Amazon side hustles are great only if you work your way up with proper time and effort.